At KVK we put the customers in the center. We are giving high priority to providing advice and customer service. With KVK you are assured of the benefits of more than 50 years work with hoof trimming chutes. KVK hoof trimming equipment are on going development in cooperation with experts in the field. So whether you need a new hoof trimming chute, a lead-in pen, one of our many hoof care products, service for your hoof trimming chute or just a good piece of advice, we are ready to help you or your business. Contact us – we are ready!
Contact info

Address: Morsøgade 3, 6700 Esbjerg
Phone: +45 75 36 81 87
Fax: +45 75 36 80 25
VAT: 38 78 60 59
Invoice address:
Phone: +45 75 36 81 87
Fax: +45 75 36 80 25
VAT: 38 78 60 59
Invoice address:

Palle Fjord Thomsen
Chief Executive Officer

Per Kragelund
Chief Operating Officer

Linda Andersen Økjær
Head of Production

Dorthe Nissen Nielsen Nygaard
Business Development Manager

Frank Winther Madsen
Technical Engineer

Bente Marie F. Petermann
Sales & Operation Coordinator

Mike Rooke Jensen
Sales & Operation Coordinator

Nick Mogensen
Sales & Support - Denmark/Sweden

Anja Kaufmann
Inventory & Purchasing

Jörgen Wiklund
Sales & Support – Norway/Finland

Artur Andreas Andresen
Sales & Support - Germany, Luxembourg and The Netherlands

Beata Boryszek
Area Sales Manager - Poland

Andrew Tan
Area Sales Manager

Alice Wang
Marketing & Operation Assistant

Enrico Francesco Pals
Production Manager

Drew Guo
Purchase Supervisor

Jessica Mao
Finance Manager

Palle Fjord Thomsen
Chief Operation Officer