KVK Belly Band Rubber (one piece)
- Vulcanized rubber belly band
- Rounded stainless steel brackets
- Width 15-18 cm
Product benefits
Product characteristic
High quality
The KVK belly band of rubber has been under development through a large number of tests and has been continuously adjusted to achieve great durability and the best possible properties for use.
Animal welfare
All materials have rounded edges so that damage to animals is prevented. The vulcanized rubber and the shape of the belly band supports the animal gently and safely during the hoof trimming. The udder is thus only exposed to a minimal pressure. The harness is also very low-noise due to the materials chosen.
User friendly
The combination of the harness’ design, materials and brackets means that the harness lies flat on the bottom of the chute when it is lowered. Which makes it easy to pass for the cow while achieving faster cow traffic in and out of the hoof trimming box.
The belly band is made of materials that makes it easy to clean and resistant to alkaline soaps and disinfectants.